Friday, February 11, 2011

Quantum Thoughts for Gardeners: January 2011

The New Year begins and we now have time to take stock of our garden plans as well as our plans for our lives.  During the stillness of the post holiday season, it is a good time to look at all we have accomplished in the previous year as well as plan out our goals for the upcoming year.

I’ve never been one for New Year’s Resolutions, per se, but setting out a plan, both for the garden and for life, is very important if you want your garden and your life to grow in beauty.

First, the garden…  What grew well last year?  What didn’t?  How do you want to change or add to the plan that you already have?  Do you have a plan?  If not, now is the time to start thinking about it.  Many gardening/seed catalogues are available and what could be better than spending a long evening planning out the beauty of the new life to arrive after the last of winter has passed us by.

Now to the soul… What worked well for you last year?  What didn’t?  How do you want to change the plan of your life?  Do you have a plan?  If not, now is the time to start thinking about it!  Unfortunately there are no catalogues out there that allow you to pick out which life you want, but there are some places to start.

Quantum physics tells us that things change under observation.  Studies have shown that “intent” is everything.  If you intend to be sad, you will.  If you intend to be a victim, you will.  If you intend to be poor, you will.  Conversely, if you intend to be happy, you will.  If you intend to get a better job, you will.  If you intend to mend relationships, you will.  The key is to find a way to make your intent reality.

I want you to start off with an exercise this week.  Write down on a 3x5 card one thing that you want to CHANGE about your life.  Put this card next to your alarm clock.  When you go to bed at night, I want you to read the card (out loud or silently) three times before you turn the light off and again three times first thing in the morning.  An example could be a card that reads: “I want to be more forgiving” or “I want to find a new job”.  Make sure that the statement on the card is a POSITIVE statement.  You may not see a change right away, but I guarantee you that within a couple of weeks, your attitude to the situation will change and you will be able to make the change you want.  You will have, literally, “changed your mind” about the situation and will draw the job or the ability to forgive to you.  By this practice daily, you will physically rewire your brain and you will then be open to the opportunities that arise.

Meditations for the week:

Christian Wisdom:  “All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted” ~ Saint Teresa of Avila

Hebrew Wisdom: Rabbi Simon said, "There is no plant without an angel in Heaven tending it and telling it, 'Grow!'" (Genesis Rabbah 10:7, Talmud).

Photos: Jacquie Cox

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