It is said in the field of Quantum Physics that things act differently when you observe them. Another fact is that matter is not solid, it is tiny, tiny particles flying around with a lot of space in between. When we sit in a chair, we don’t actually ever touch the chair. The force of the atoms in our bottom and the force of the atoms in the chair keep us from actually touching anything!
So what is reality? What we “observe”? What we “experience”?
Ramtha says that Jesus could have walked on water, literally, by changing the way the atoms in his body interacted with the water. This is backed up by physics work all over the world. So if we are able to change the way our atoms work, we could fly or walk through walls or walk through anything!
One night last fall we had a pretty severe thunderstorm pass through our area. The majority of the storm hit the other side of the lake and all we got was a bit of rain and some high winds. Saturday morning, as usual, I walked out my front door to a beautiful blue sky, no wind, no humidity, just a gorgeous day! I went out to pick up my paper from the driveway (no more than 25 feet from the door) as I do every morning.
After picking up the paper and looking up at the sky, I walked back to the front door and blocking my way was a very large branch from a tree.
Now the way my house is set up there is a balcony over the front door and there was, remember, no wind. There was also no people or animals anywhere around at the moment. I could NOT get back into my house without removing this tree branch. I could not step over or around it. The top came up to my knees and it was about four feet wide (with many, many leaves on it).
I was, to put it mildly, shocked to find it there. Where was it when I came out? How did it get there? I did not observe it in any way before I came out. Did I walk through it? Was it vibrating on a different level than I was at the time and we did not coexist in the same universe at the time? How is this possible?
I’ve spent the last few months contemplating this… I can’t even identify the tree so far. I know WHICH tree it came from, but for all my searching online, not one description fits this tree exactly. It is either a member of the Elm or Ash family. The problem is... well I'll get to that later.
The branch was also covered in “air plants”. There were 54 air plants. Now just for the heck of it I counted them… and in numerology, my “life path” is a nine. Does this mean anything? How is this connected to the fact that the branch just “appeared” at my doorstep?
These are the questions I am pondering at this moment. I could use any help at figuring this out I could get.
I know that this specific area was a sacred place to the Native Americans who lived here before we came… did that have anything to do with it? Does the fact that there is a labyrinth on the property have anything to do with it?
The one thing I know for sure is that I did not imagine this. There is NO logical explanation to this occurrence. There is no way I could have walked out of my house and not "noticed" the branch. So here is the kicker... about two weeks after this happened, the branch "disappeared". I have the above picture of it so I know it wasn't a dream. After I took the picture, I hung the branch under the deck so I could take it to the local arborist and find out what kind of tree it was. We didn't have any storms, and it was there everyday (I could see it from the deck). One morning it was gone. I live on three acres and I looked all over the yard and could not find the thing. It was just gone as mysteriously as it appeared.
Thank you for keeping an open mind about this experience. I believe something significant has happened to me and I am just trying to be open to what that is. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas.
Stay “in tune” to the world and wonderful things happen!
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